For Those Who Just Want
Just a Simple Cremation
(Direct Cremation Without Ceremony)
- Transportation from place of death to our crematory (within 50 miles)
- Providing safety and shelter of the body in our crematory, in a temperature-controlled environment
- Basic services of funeral director and staff including 24-Hour availability, preparation of paperwork and obtaining permits
- Obtaining the cremation permit signed by the deceased’s attending physician and the medical examiner
Worry Free Cremation™ in our on-site crematory - Alternative cremation container
Cremation with Final Goodbye
(5 people for 20 minutes)
- Transportation from place of death to our crematory (within 50 miles)
- Providing safety and shelter of the body in our crematory, in a temperature-controlled environment
- Basic services of funeral director and staff including 24-Hour availability, preparation of paperwork and obtaining permits
- Obtaining the cremation permit signed by the deceased’s attending physician and the medical examiner
- Worry Free Cremation™ in our on-site crematory
- Alternative cremation container
- Final goodbye, for up to 5 immediate family members, 20 minutes at our Care Center location
Cremation with
Memorial Service
- Transportation from place of death to our crematory (within 50 miles)
- Providing safety and shelter of the body in our crematory, in a temperature-controlled environment
- Services of funeral director and staff including 24-Hour availability, preparation of paperwork and obtaining permits
- Obtaining the cremation permit signed by the deceased’s attending physician and the medical examiner
- Coordination and supervision of memorial service at our chapel with a licensed funeral director
- Worry Free Cremation™ in our on-site crematory before ceremony
- Alternative cremation container
- Guest register book
- 100 memorial folders
- 25 thank you note
"Open Casket" Funeral with Cremation
- Transportation from place of death to our facility (within 50 miles)
- Providing safety and shelter of the body in our crematory, in a temperature-controlled environment
- Services of funeral director and staff including 24-Hour availability, preparation of paperwork and obtaining permits
- Obtaining the cremation permit signed by the deceased’s attending physician and the medical examiner
- Embalming and cosmetic preparation for “open casket” viewing
- Coordination and supervision of memorial service at our chapel with a licensed funeral director
- Use of ceremonial casket
- Worry Free Cremation™ in our on-site crematory after ceremony
- Alternative cremation container
- Guest register book
- 100 memorial folders
- 25 thank you note
Graveside Funeral at any Local (within) 50 miles Cemetery
- Transportation from place of death to our funeral home (within 50 miles)
- Providing safety and shelter of the body in our care center, in a temperature-controlled environment
- Basic services of funeral director and staff including 24-Hour availability, preparation of paperwork and obtaining permits
- 20-gauge steel casket (choice of gray or brown)
- Graveside funeral
- 100 memorial folders
- Guest Book
- 25 thank you cards
- No viewing or embalming